Model Gaon: Strengthening Rural Livelihoods
The idea for India Virtual Talk Series Model Gaon: Strengthening Rural Livelihoods Date: 31st July 2021, Saturday Time: 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM (IST) Esteemed Speaker: Mr. Keyur Sampat, IAS…
The idea for India Virtual Talk Series Model Gaon: Strengthening Rural Livelihoods Date: 31st July 2021, Saturday Time: 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM (IST) Esteemed Speaker: Mr. Keyur Sampat, IAS…
Dept. of Electronics Engineering, HBTU Kanpur is organizing 2-Days Webinar on the topic "MATLAB for Signal Processing" Event details are given below; Topic: MATLAB for Signal Processing Dates of event: July 12…
Dear Sir/ Madam, The Department of Electronics Engineering, HBTU Kanpur is organising a 05-Day Online National Level Faculty Development Program (FDP) - cum - Short Term Training Programme (STTP) (TECHNICALLY…
Dear Sir/ Madam, The Department of Electronics Engineering, HBTU Kanpur is organising a 05-Day Online National Level Faculty Development Program (FDP) - cum - Short Term Training Programme (STTP) (TECHNICALLY…
Date: 09th May, 2021 10:00am to 11:30am (English) Date: 09th May, 2021 01:00pm to 02:30pm (Hindi) Dear Leader, Greetings from NCD !!! Empowering people and building the capacity of institution…
*(नौकरी देने वाले बनें, नौकरी पाने वाले नहीं)* रोजगार सृजन, उद्यमी विकास, स्वरोजगार के रास्ते में समस्याओं को कैसे हल करें (या इसे आसान बनाएं), और बिना निवेश (या छोटे…
National Webinar and Workshop (Web - Mela) on “Recent trends in Techno Entrepreneurship: challenges and opportunities” The Series of the webinar will start from 5th June 2021 every Saturday In…
National Conference (Virtual) on Ancient Indian Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (AISTEM-2021) Meeting Link Details: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 846 6475 3486 Passcode: 34589 Complete Programme Schedule for…
National Webinar and Workshop (Web - Mela) on “Recent trends in Techno Entrepreneurship: challenges and opportunities” The Series of the webinar will start from ---- October 2021 every Saturday In…