Small Grant Opportunities for NGOs/Academic Institute
Date: 09th May, 2021 10:00am to 11:30am (English) Date: 09th May, 2021 01:00pm to 02:30pm (Hindi) Dear Leader, Greetings from NCD !!! Empowering people and building the capacity of institution…
Date: 09th May, 2021 10:00am to 11:30am (English) Date: 09th May, 2021 01:00pm to 02:30pm (Hindi) Dear Leader, Greetings from NCD !!! Empowering people and building the capacity of institution…
*(नौकरी देने वाले बनें, नौकरी पाने वाले नहीं)* रोजगार सृजन, उद्यमी विकास, स्वरोजगार के रास्ते में समस्याओं को कैसे हल करें (या इसे आसान बनाएं), और बिना निवेश (या छोटे…
National Webinar and Workshop (Web - Mela) on “Recent trends in Techno Entrepreneurship: challenges and opportunities” The Series of the webinar will start from 5th June 2021 every Saturday In…
National Webinar and Workshop (Web - Mela) on “Recent trends in Techno Entrepreneurship: challenges and opportunities” The Series of the webinar will start from ---- October 2021 every Saturday In…
*JJSS-Online Shop: * *A new opening: JJSS सुरक्षा प्रणाली: * (रोजगार सृजन, उद्यमी विकास, स्वरोजगार और आय बढ़ाने की दिशा में एक नया कदम) कोई भी साइट उपयोगकर्ता…
Jan Jagriti Seva Samiti (A nonprofit organization) A platform for Open education, Employment Generation, Entrepreneur Development, Self-employment, and Social Activity System हमारी संस्था का मुख्य उद्देश्य रोजगार के नए-नए अवसर…
Jan Jagriti Seva Samiti ( A platform of Open education, Employment Generation, Entrepreneur Development and Social Activity System: is the endeavor to establish, explore, exchange, enhance, ensure, and earn education/…
*A platform of Open education, Employment Generation, Entrepreneur Development, Self-employment, and Social Activity System* *Program-1* *Multi college Management System* हमारा एनजीओ JJSS कॉलेज / स्कूल / संस्थान प्रबंधन प्रणाली के…
*JJSS: प्रदान करता है* *कॉलेज प्रबंधन प्रणाली (College Management System)* यह सभी स्कूल / कॉलेज / संस्थान के लिए उपयोगी है, जो पूरी तरह से…
College Management System Working process Quick Start Exclusive Features User Manual ZOOM Integration for Live Class To provide User Name and password to College/School/Institution, we need College/School/Institution…