Dr. Ritu Pandey, honored with the best scientific award
We feel pleasure to say Dr. Ritu Pandey, honored with the best scientific award and got patent her work, She is also actively involved in educational activities on-site, anyone can…
We feel pleasure to say Dr. Ritu Pandey, honored with the best scientific award and got patent her work, She is also actively involved in educational activities on-site, anyone can…
JJSS- Entrepreneur Development Working Module (A Subcommittee affiliated with Jan Jagriti Seva Samiti) अपनी चल/अचल संपत्ति भूमि, भवन और धन का सर्वोत्तम उपयोग कैसे करें उद्देश्य:- घर से शुरू करें अपना…
Modern health challenges and Yoga therapy Time: Oct-3, 2021 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, India Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87145545001?pwd=ckZWYXp3RlRlUFZNOTNFT0lMVERpdz09 Meeting ID: 871 4554 5001 Passcode: 12345
Team Awake Mother India is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Awake Mother India Meeting Time: Aug 29, 2021, 11:30 AM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi Join Zoom Meeting…
The Department of Plastic Technology is starting M Tech programme. Interested persons may apply for the same. For details refer https://hbtu.ac.in/admission-2021-22/
10th National Seminar (web) on Ancient Indian Science and Technology National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR) Kolkata’s Centre for Ancient Indian Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (AISTEM)…
✊यह दुनिया आपकी मुट्ठी में है, जरा प्रयास तो कीजिए।😁 (इसको आप हमारी नजरों से देखें, यह कार्य इंटरनेट और मोबाइल के कार्यकाल में ही संभव है।) चाहे कोई गरीब…
Awake Mother India is an independent initiative that thinks to restore the past glory of India by making the youth aware about its glorious past and its relevance in the…