Constitution & Bye-laws

Constitution & Bye-laws

1-Name of the Institution: Jan Jagriti Seva Samiti

2-Address of Institution:     4/285, Parvati Bagla Road, Tilak Nagar, Kanpur

3-Field Area of the Institution: All India

4-Member of society & their categories:

Founder Member: The founders of the society will be the founder member who will deposit 2000/- as a membership for the life period for the funding and activities of the society.

General Member: All the members who will deposit 100/- or any amount more than that in every financial year to continue their membership will be the General Member. Members may deposit their membership directly to the ICICI Bank (branch-Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur) Account No-099801000283.

5-Cancellation of membership:

  • After Death
  • Mental Disability
  • Being punished by court
  • Working against the constitution
  • Resignation from the membership of the association
  • Not deposit the membership fee
  • Motion of non-confidence
  • Absent from three consecutive meetings

6-Transfer of membership: The membership will be transferred to their nominees as per their will (desire) or after the death of founder member.

7-Controlling power of Institution:

  • General body
  • Executive body

8-General body

  1. All types of members will be the member of the general body of the society.
  2. Meetings:- General bodies meeting will be held once in a year, the emergency meeting can be called according to needs.
  3. Notice:- General body meeting will be called after the notice of 15 days(Along with notice, agenda of the meeting of the ‘society’ shall be circulated to the members by email or by any means of communication) emergency meeting can be called within 5 days
  4. Quorum: Quorum will be completed with more than 1/2 of the majority of General bodies members.(A member will be considered present if he can’t attend the meeting personally but attend through video conferencing at meeting time or he conveyed his message/ comment over given Agenda by any other means of communication like e-mail, Fax and post before the meeting date)
  5. Duties and authorities of the general body:                                               a)  Selection of the executive body.                                                                     b) To pass the yearly budget.                                                                                   c) To pass the annual report.                                                                                     d) They will work for the development of the society.

9-Executive Body:

  1. Executive body will be elected by the members of the general body.
  2. There will be at least one meetings of the executive body in a year; emergency meeting can be called according to need.
  3. Notice:- Executive body meeting will be called after the notice of 15 days(Along with notice, agenda of the meeting of the ‘society’ shall be circulated to the members by email) emergency meeting can be called within 5 days
  4. Quorum: Quorum will be completed with more than 1/2 of the majority members. ( member will be considered present if he can’t attend the meeting personally but attend through video conferencing/chatting  at meeting time or he conveyed his message/ comment over given Agenda by any other means of communication like e-mail, Fax and post before the meeting date)
  5. Working Period: The time period of the Executive Body will be for five years from the date of election but due to some unavoidable reason the election can’t be held in time. The president with the consent of Executive Body members will continue to hold the office for another additional six months. Meanwhile, the election will be arranged.
  6. If there are any vacancies in the executive body it will be filled with more than 1/2 majority of remaining the general body. If some office bearers resign, Asstt. of the office bearer will look after the work.
  7. Duties of the Executive body:                                                                               a)  To accept or reject the application for membership.                           b)  If there are any vacancies in the General Body, the Executive         body may select the member for the general body from the site among twenty-five users list having the highest strength (manpower) at that time. (Considering qualification, experience and capability of leadership).                                                c)  To elect the office bearers of the executive body. (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasures etc). Priority will be given to strength, qualification, experience and capability of leadership.    d) To consider selection, promotion and retirement of the worker.                                                                                                                                e) To collect the financial assistance and loan & donation to make the budget for the institution and look after its working.                     f) To make the Laws and bye-laws for the Institution.                             g) To make the annual details of their achievement and show it to the general body.                                                                                                           h) For any assignment, Executive Body may assign work and responsibility individually or in a group but priority will be given to the users having higher strength on site.                                                   i) The executive body may give approval for ‘upsamiti’ (sub-society) for looking after the various programs running in different areas for different objectives (sub-society members may elect President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasures and maintain their account separately).

10- Duties and authorities of the office bearers of the executive body:                                                                                                                           a) President:

  1. To preside over the meetings.
  2. To approve or post pond the dates of the meeting. The postponement can be done only after the consent of the 1/2 of the present member.
  3. To see that all the plans or properly executed by the concerning members.
  4. In case of emergency when a meeting cannot be called he can execute the work according to his powers which are given to him by the executive body.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  b) Vice-President: (Two Post) in the absence of president the vice-president will look after the work of the president.                                                                                                                          c) Secretary :
  1. To call the meeting of the General body as well as the Executive body. All the proceedings will be edited by the secretary in proceeding register and other important document will be kept with the secretary.
  2. Secretary will operate all the bank account of individually or jointly along with the treasures.
  3. Every program will run under the supervision of secretary.
  4. To look after the appointment, promotion, terminations & retirement of the workers and the staff.
  5. To make the inspection committee to the inspect all the complaints made against the staff and to make upsamiti for looking after social program held by the Executive body.
  6. To deal all correspondence on behalf of the executive body or to depute any persons to look after it.
  7. To pass the salaries, increments of the staff and other expenditure. To pass any expenditure according to sanctions by the executive body for other services.
  8. To maintain all the records of the expenditure and arrange audits jointly with auditors.
  9. Secretary may take any decision to fulfil the objects of Society.

 d) Treasurer:

  1. To pay the bills sanctioned by the secretary and maintained all the financial records of secretary.
  2. To put up all authorizes expenditure before the secretary.
  3. To pay salaries, increments of the staff and other expenditure.
  4. To maintain all the bank accounts of the institutions.
  5. To produce cash book, receipts, certificates, vouchers & other records for audit in front of the authorized auditor.
  6. To maintain all records/jointly with the secretary.

11-Auditor: The auditor will audit the account of the society from time to time and will submit the audit report in the executive body.

12-Amendment processes of law & bye-laws of the institution: The amendment process of law &bye laws will be done by the 2/3 of the majority of the executive body members. The society will accept the laws& bye-laws given by the government.

13-Society funds: Society Funds will be collected/maintained by the secretary and when it exceeds Rs 40,000/- it will be deposited in the bank. The operation of account will be done under the signature of secretary.

14-Record to be maintained by the society:

  1. Membership register
  2. Proceeding register
  3. Cashbook & ledger
  4. Stock register

15-In all cases pertaining to the society the decision of secretary will be the final decision, no legal proceeding will be applicable in case of dispute.

16-Dissolution of the society and the place of the society and the release of the dissolution property will be done according to society act section 13 and 14, 1860.

17-The society will be providing services to all communities irrespective of religion, cast, color and class.

18- A charted accountant will audit all the account of the society.

19- Other matters if any which are not mentioned in the bye-laws will be governed by the society registration act 1860.