Vaishwik Bharatiya Vaigyanik Summit
151st birth anniversary of MAHATMA GANDHI and 116th birth anniversary of LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI Namaskar. Kindly be informed that the Institute will…
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in our nation caused extreme distress to the students and academic activity. In this pandemic situation, the team of Manufacturing Science and engineering MED…
प्राकृतिक रेशा आधारित आजीविका संभावनाएं चुनौती और नवाचार एक दिवसीय वेबीनार 25 September 2020 at 4:30 to 6 PM Link: मुख्य अतिथि: माननीय देवी प्रसाद मिश्रा
Jan Jagriti Seva Samiti ( A platform of Open education, Employment Generation, Entrepreneur Development and Social Activity System: is the endeavor to establish, explore, exchange, enhance, ensure, and earn education/…
CURRICULUM-VITAE MANISH KUMAR SINGH Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics Engineering, …
BIO-DATA (Summary) Name in Full: Dr. Krishna Raj Father’s Name: Sh.Chauhari Lal Date of Birth: 06.06.1969 Place of Birth: Allahabad Phone: 09450607840, Fax No.0512-2533812 e-mail: [email protected] Present Position: …
National Seminar (Web) On Entrepreneurship Development for North Eastern States Registration Link: Feedback Link: YouTube Streaming…
National Webinar has been organised by STATE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNIT, UTTAR PRADESH /TEQIP-III (A world Bank assisted Project under MHRD, GoI) On “National Education Policy 2020 – Addressing Economic Issues…
Director UPTTI, Kanpur* is cordially inviting you to join webinar on Zoom on topic given below. *Entrepreneurship: Navigating Challenges* Time: *Sep 6, 2020 10:00 AM* IST Join Zoom Meeting…