Editor/ Section Editor Part-1 (Assign Work)
Step-1 Receives Submission. Depending on the journal’s configuration, once the submission has been completed by the Author, it will appear in the Editor “Unassigned” or “In Review” list.
Step- 2 Click the title to and find the submission’s Summary page. If no Editors or Section Editors have been assigned yet, assign one under the “Editors” heading:
Assigning an Editor or Section Editor will move the submission from the “Unassigned” list into the “In Review” list.
- Editor Initiates Peer Review. Find the submission’s “Review” page and use the “Select Reviewer” link to choose the reviewers you wish to assign:
Once the Reviewers have been assigned, use the letter icon under the “Request” header to compose a message requesting each Reviewer to consider undertaking the review:
Once this email has been sent to the reviewers, they will be able to undertake or decline the reviews by clicking the URL included in the request message
Step-4 Reviewer Performs Review. Upon receipt of the reviewer request email, the reviewer will click on the included URL and be presented with a list of steps:
Following these steps one at a time, beginning with confirmation of whether or not the review request is accepted, will complete the review. Once the review has been completed, the Editor will be able to see the results on the submission’s Review page.
Editor Records Decision. Once all reviews have been completed, the Editor should record and editorial decision using the“Select decision ” pull down and “Record Decision” button. It is also important at this point to notify the Author of the results. Click on the letter icon beside “Notify Author”:
Editor/ Section Editor Part- 2 (Accept Submission)
Once an “Accept” decision has been recorded, the Editor may choose a version of the submission under “Editor Decision” to Send to Copy editing. This will cause the submission to move from the “In Review” list to the “In Editing” list.
- Submission Editing. Editing consists of Copyediting, Scheduling, Layout, and Proofreading processes. Depending on the journal configuration, these may be undertaken by the Editor, or they may be delegated to additional users.Copy editing and Proofreading are optional processes and are not described here.
Scheduling allows the Editor to choose which Issue of the journal the submission will be published in; Issues may be created by clicking “Create Issue” on the sidebar.
Under Layout, ready-for-presentation versions of the submission (e.g. HTML and PDF) may be uploaded as Galleys.
- Publishing an Issue. Once all appropriate submissions are scheduled against a particular Issue, the Editor can publish the Issue by clicking “Future Issues” (either from the sidebar or from the “Editor” link from “User Home”) and choosing the issue. The Table of Contents page contains a “Publish Issue” button: