Dear Madam / Sir,
Please see the attached DO Letter from Adviser (SJE-VAC), NITI Aayog inviting you to join for Interactive session with CSOs / NGOs/CBOs / NPOs etc. with Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Hon’ble Minister for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and CEO, NITI Aayog on 30th April 2020 at 11 AM through Youtube, Face book, twitter etc. Your active participation and interaction would enlighten the Government interventions to combat the COVID-19.
Dear Madam / Sir,
Dear Friend, please see the attached DO Letter from CEO, NITI Aayog to make use of the materials made available on, for strengthening the communication strategy to fight COVID-19.

Please do not reply to this email, for all your replies / queries please email to Dr. Muniraju, Dy. Adviser, NITI mraju[dot]sb[at]gov[dot]in
With Kind regards:-
Dr. Muniraju. S.B
Deputy Adviser
Government of India
NITI Aayog,
(National Institution for Transforming India Aayog)
(SJE, Tribal Affairs & Minorities Division)
Email: mraju[dot]sb[at]gov[dot]in