• Vijay Singh posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    I am am happy to invite you, again, for the FDP on “Human Values and
    Professional Ethics” from 22nd June to 29th June, 2016 at Indian Institute
    of Technology, Kanpur which is being run as a regular course in all
    AKTUaffiliated institutions. The program starts 22nd 10 am sharp and ends
    on 29th by 5 pm.

    This workshop is particularly relevant for educators who are interested in
    holistic education.

    The need for integrating Human Values in the formal education system has
    been felt for a long time. This has also been repeatedly emphasized by all
    commissions and expert committees on education. While most reputed
    Educational Institutes have started working on the same, its is equally
    important to equip and impregnate the practicing professionals in various
    fields, be it Engineering or General Administration with a high degree of
    professional ethics and human values to help them to make their working
    more Humane and intrinsically just.

    While the need has been acutely felt, the question of ‘how to go about it’
    has not been adequately answered. We have taken the initiatives conducted
    experiments in this direction during past 2-3 decades at a few
    institutions (e.g. IIT Delhi, IIM Calcutta, BHU etc.), and more recently,
    intensive efforts at IIIT Hyderabad, IIT Kanpur, NIT Raipur etc. These
    long drawn efforts have finally resulted in the development of an
    effective methodology, resource material, orientation program and a
    resource team to introduce Human Values and Professional Ethics
    impregnation in technical and other organizations.

    Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, the then president of India, has also mentioned on the
    eve of Independence Day 14th Aug 2006, the importance of Value Education
    and the work done by this team.

    Knowing your interest in Value Education, we invite you for the workshop.
    I do hope to hear from you soon, confirming your participation, so that we
    â–¼ Hide quoted text
    can make the necessary arrangements.

    You may write to me or call me directly about your
    registration/confirmation of participation.

    Bhanu Pratap Singh
    Mobile: +91 9889498839

    About the Orientation Program
    The subject that deals with what is of value, or what is valuable to a
    human being is called “value impregnation”. This subject focuses on what a
    human being is, what is purposeful and meaningful for him/her – what is
    the aim of human being and one’s life and how one can meet this aim, this
    purpose. This elaborates on what role he/she has to play as responsible
    human being at the level of individual, family, society and nature. With
    this clarity, one is able to see the meaning in life, purpose in life and
    is committed to fulfill that meaning, that purpose. This clarity and the
    satisfaction obtained out of the fulfillment of this purpose, gives one a
    feeling of self confidence. This instills confidence in their inner
    strengths. The students need to have this confidence in order to be able
    to proactively set their own goals. If the goal is set proactively (and
    not by default ‘peer’ pressure) the motivation comes from within and the
    rest follows- in terms of his commitment, untiring effort leading to
    success in achieving his aim, and his purpose of life.

    Values thus provide the basis for all our actions and activities. Apart
    from skill development, education needs to focus on value-education. This
    needs to be introduced in our school education as well as higher
    education. Such value-based education can prepare students to live in
    harmony with other human beings and nature – this can provide a way out of
    the current morass that the world is in.

    Dr. Abdul Kalam spoke about this topic in his address to the nation on the
    eve of the Independence Day (15th August) 2006:
    “… being practiced by Prof Ganesh Bagaria, … Prof Rajeev Sangal… and their
    teams … [it] is a ‘teachable human value based skill’… This process of
    imparting self-knowledge would promote a learning atmosphere, where this
    whole movement of inquiry into knowledge, into oneself, into the
    possibility of something beyond knowledge would bring about naturally a
    psychological revolution.. From this comes inevitably a totally different
    order in human relationship and therefore society as a whole. The
    intelligent understanding of this process itself can bring about a
    profound change in the consciousness of mankind…” Full text of Dr Kalam’s
    speech is at

    At the root is holistic, and all encompassing detailed view of reality at
    every level of existence, from Individual to Family, Society and
    Nature/Existence – that the existence is innately co-existence (harmony,
    order) and not a chaos or disorder; and Man just needs to understand this
    co-existence and align with the innate order in the existence. With such a
    holistic viewpoint, one can rightly place existing assumptions and inputs.
    This knowledge is inherently self liberating, empowering and can lead to
    Human Conduct, Education, Constitution and Order (Manaviya Acharan,
    Shiksha, Samvidhan and Vyawastha) in the society.

    Effective and widely acceptable guidelines for impregnating values have
    been drawn up to help decide what would qualify as an acceptable study on
    value education:
    Universal – Whatever is studied as ‘impregnating value’ needs to be
    universally applicable to all human beings and be true at all times and
    all places. In addition, it should not depend on sect, creed, nationality
    and gender etc. So it deals with universal human values

    Rational – It has to be amenable to reasoning and not based on dogmas or
    blind beliefs. It cannot be a set of sermons or Do’s and Don’ts

    Natural and Verifiable – We want to study something that is natural to us.
    Being natural means, it has to be acceptable in a natural manner. When we
    live on the basis of such values that are natural to us, it leads to
    fulfillment i.e. it leads to our happiness, it is conducive to other
    people we interact with, and the interaction with nature is mutually
    enriching. We also want to verify these values ourselves, i.e. we don’t
    want to assume something just because something is stated, rather, each
    one of us will want to verify these to find out whether they are true for
    us. This can be done by both checking for validity within ourselves, as
    well as something which we can implement in our living and observe its

    All encompassing – Value impregnation is not merely an academic exercise.
    It is aimed at transforming our consciousness and living. Hence, it has to
    permeate into all dimensions of our living, namely, thought, behaviour,
    work and understanding/realization; as well as all levels namely
    individual, family, society and nature

    Leading to harmony – Finally, value impregnation has to enable us to be in
    harmony within and in harmony with others. Hence, when we live on the
    basis of these values, we start understanding that it will lead to harmony
    in us and harmony in our interactions with other humans and the rest of
    nature. That is it leads to human conduct

    The workshop is conducted as a dialog, free from any value prescriptions
    or do’s and don’ts. Proposals about universal principles of life are
    placed for evaluation and discussion at one’s own right.

    Value Education Cell,
    AKTU Lucknow.