• Rishabh srivastava posted an update in the group Group logo of Computer Tricks and TipsComputer Tricks and Tips 10 years, 9 months ago

    Best Methods To Remove Write Protection From Your Pen Drives

    METHOD 1

    1.Open Registry editor of your PC
    For this you should type command “regedit” on run.
    2. Successively navigate to following HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Currentcontrolset\control\storatedevicepolicies

    3. In right side u will be getting writeprotect option, just right click that and modify the hexadecimal value from 1 to 0
    Restart your PC and enjoy!!!!


    METHOD 2
    If you have transcend pen drive infected by 9u.exe which is a write protect virus then the following works like a charm:
    1) Download JetFlash online recovery from:
    2) Run the program
    3) Specify the capacity of your drive eg.512 MB, 1 GB …..etc
    4) Choose “repair and erase all data” OR ” repair and keep existing data”
    5) Progress bar starts…….completes
    6) Notification appears —” format complete”
    7) Unplug and plug your drive and …..presto



    Method 3

    1. Start > Run -> type “CMD” and press enter
    2. type< diskpart
    3. type< list volume
    4. type< select volume # (# is the number of the USB HDD you’ve pluged in)
    5. type Run… -> gpedit.msc -> OK
    Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Removable Storage Access

    In here I disabled all of the “Deny read access/write access” options; you may only want to disable the ones relating directly to the type of media that you want to access.